Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Let's film Harry Potter...


One of the craziest ideas I had in my life turned out to be one of the best moments in my life. But let's tell you the story from the beginning. As every young woman who respect hersel I have been for many years a huge fan of Harry Potter's world. If you are also a fan you can understand how I felt when I saw the Yale campus. The place is like the filming of Harry Potter was here. I was so excited that everything could remind me Harry Potter . So it's easy to understand what happened when our teacher told us that we have to create a movie and we can choose the subject and the style and everything. The choice was so obvious for me. I had to do it. And fortunately the girls in my class supported me and the teacher was really helpful so my craziest idea is now a real movie. And of course, without my beloved friends who were there to help me I couldn't have done anything. Maybe Yale is not a magical school but I feel that magic is everywhere. Magic is inside the books and the libraries, is at every step in this beautiful campus, is in the beautiful people I met here.I am grateful ❤️🎬

Hogwart's teachers📚

The last details before filming 🎥 

1,2,3 Go...🎬

Director and Harry on a usual fight 🗣

Thursday, July 21, 2022


 Friendship. Just one word but thousand emotions. Nobody can describe exactly what a friendship is because it can have many different shapes. Age, religion, sex and oringin don't matter when it comes to friends. When I was on the airplane in my way to Yale I had many lonely hours to think and I tried to imagine how the daily routine would be here and how I am gonna feel with so many people that I don't know. I was out of my comfort zone and that scared me , but deap in me I was hoping for a great experience. Now that we are after the middle of our programm I feel sad, because this experience is more than I could imagine. I met so many people from all over the world. And I love how different we are, not only because of our differnet backrounds but also because of  our different personalities. I love how we can laugh and make jokes in a language that its'not ours. I love the deep connections we have made so soon. Actually, I have loved everything but I hate the end that is coming so soon. Although, I have to admit that if it wasn't this soon end it wouldn't be the same. The fact that the time here is so short is part of the magic. Magis is to find friends that:

Help you when you need them.

To try new scary activities togehter.

To be weird together.

To travel together.

Or just have fun...

Find the paintings.

1. Edgar de Berranger

Once you get out of the elevators on the 4th floor, go in front of the big multicolour ribbon sculpture. Then go to the right and then enter a room full of portraits and dividing panels. Now that you are in the good room, find the painting that suits this narrative/monologue.

“The cannon balls were flying all over the place. The French were merciless and showed resistance. However, as the captain, I couldn’t surrender, I couldn’t let my soldiers and fellow sailors down. I needed to show them that we’ll win this battle with the pride of being British”


DIRECTION: Take the elevator to the 4th floor

Turn right and see a sculpture of crumpled paper.Turn right again and see a photo scribbled in ink.

Turn right again and walk forward and you will find this…

WRITING (dialogue): 

On a beautiful Sunday afternoon in Florence, the Gore Family was gathered once again for a celebration.

Charles: What do you think about playing this song, my love?

Mary: You know our daughter's taste. She doesn't like this song. It has to be a perfect song for their marital union.

Charles: Well, you are right! While you choose the song, I'll tune my cello.

George Cowper: You look beautiful today, my dear! It's all going perfectly fine! This village of mine is beautiful.

Hannah Gore: Just missing the food!

Elizabeth: Wow, what an ugly man Hannah found.

Adelaide: But he's rich! He owns land and can give her dresses and hair, Beth. Don't you want to have one like that?😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉😉

Elizabeth: Of course Ade! I want a man with a lot of villages. 

3.Runa Yoshida


Once you get to the fourth floor from the elevator, walk towards the red, blue, white and black splatter painting of the girl crying. Having a colorful splatter painting of a man in a white hoodie to your back, walk through 2 rooms. You will then pass a black man’s sculpture. The room one beyond it is the one. 

WRITING (dialogue)

“Hey, you were the one who said red wine goes with meat!”

 “Hello sir, I brought you a glass…”)

 “Oh my god, you are awfully small!”

 “Umm… I don’t know what I should do…”

 “Ugh, this is getting tiring” 

“I told you to be on time!” 


 “Again? Whatever…”

4.Francesca Fabbri


After exiting the elevator, turn left two times then go straight on while looking on the right

WRITING (cinquain):


reddish and blue

navigating towards

the peace before the eruption:

peaceful chaos

5.Laís Neves

DIRECTION: Go all the way up to the 4th floor. Once you’re facing a long contemporary paint splattered sculpture, turn right. Then, turn the first right on European paintings, and walk all the way down the corridor. The room you’re looking for is through the last passageway.

WRITING (cinquain):


fully lovesick 

disrupting and chasing,

crusading mission in hideout


6.Sofia Karaiordanidou

Directions: Get out of the elevator and turn left. You are going to see an Indian woman and when you see the Flames walk on the right side of it until the last hall and then turn right.


What a tragedy? What a story? Death and life meet each other. It was the first autumn of their beloved son. The father did his duty to the country, but he failed to do his duty to his family. But what a great woman. A wealthy lady that fell in love. She gave up everything to be with him and she stood for his side until his last breath. The son is just an innocent baby that has no idea about the loss his mother is facing at the exact same moment that he finished his meal. But the war doesn’t care, but life doesn’t care. So the tragedy didn’t stop life, didn’t stop the war!

7.Nana Abe


Take the elevator up to the 4th floor, turn right as you exit the gallery, and go further into the space with Queen Elizabeth I at your side. The second space.

WRITING (cinquain):


Fragile, Angelic 

Her Gazing at or Weltering 

Melancholic and Sweet Sorrow of “constant and true”

Most Beautiful 

“Grace Rose” by Fredrick Sandys (1829-1904)

8.Hanano Hirose


From the elevator, turn right and get into the “long room”.Make sure not get into the room from the exit.There is a sign saying “Exit to main galleries” on the exit door. The painting is in the last section of the room. It’s the only picture sunlight comes through the window brightly. There is a yellow daisy flower on the table.


Sitting in slumber

Smell a scent of happiness

Wait for her forever

9.Rosa Hauser

Go to the 4th floor with the elevator and when you are facing the huge Grafittie Sculpture go right. When you are facing Anthony Maria Browne go left. You are passing now the sculpture of two men with an turban on and then you find a seperated space without any sculptures but 10 paintings. One of them is a painting of some Camels. You are in the right area now.

Now find the painting which fits to this Monolog:

„Sometimes I feel lonely when I am walking trough the park, but I still do it because I love to be outside and see all the beautiful trees. And still I am feeling quite independent right now because I have everything I need with me: My blue west, my basket and my yellow hat. So I will keep going.“

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Schwarzman Center


Remaking the reality...

At the last floor of Sterling Library.
In the heart of central campus,  Sterling Memorial Library is Yale’s largest library and one of the University’s most iconic buildings.  Completed in 1930, it houses more than 2.5 million volumes, with a focus on humanities and area studies, on 14 floors of book stacks. The library is built in the Collegiate Gothic style to resemble a European cathedral.

 But at the last floor I found my perfect studying spot,these gothic style windows. I was never really a person that has talent at drawing but I  have always been a "book person". So when I saw this spot I couldn't resist to take a picture and try to draw it but in my own way. I believe that my tonque is stronger than my hand and consequently I find easier to describe something than to draw it. Although as was trying to draw this spot I realized that I prefer words because you can add your personal style and create the perfect picture but as I was trying to capture the picture I decided to do the same here. So I cutted out that parts I did not like and I added some more. So now  in my mind I have the perfect reading spot and I hope I helped you to understand what I have in my mind with my painting and withouth the help of words this time.

For a person that doesn't enjoy reading it's difficult to understand the excitement of a "book person" in places like that. If you love to read you can understand how much I am trying to convience my self to go out of these rooms and to not stay forever there reading books. I can't tell why because I don't know but old looking buildings are always very attractive for "book people".

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Nature is all around

 Nature is all around. But you have to know where to look. And it's even better when you have someone to indicate you the way and then be free to explore. So let me show to you the nature through my eyes (and my camera).

I was amuzed of this tree. No one can really tell the color of the tree. I see 3 different colors: black, red and green. I am pretty sure that someone can see more of them. So I will call it the undecided tree.

The perfect studying spot for summer. Under ths protecting shadows that trees offer to us is the place I want to study from now on gaxing this great view of New Haven.

And enjoying the smell of the flower garden this man created.

Let's go to the beach...

 Actually these days here aren't only about studying English but how to really communicate and create great memories with people from all over the world in a language that is not your nattive. So here we' ve managed to have kayaking and we were also good at it.

Different experience every day...

 A really scaring and thrilling activity at the same time "The roller coster" experience. We had fun even though some times we were really afraid to go to the next one because we knew what we have to face. But the fear didn'to stop us. Actually we tried a lot of them but the first one has has been etched more intensely in our minds. I am not sure why that happened but I can only guess because of the fact it was the longest one and consequently the most scary one.

Thursday, July 7, 2022

Today's new experience.

How about some great music in a great place?

Who, what, where and why?

A really impressing (creapy) type of love!!!

If you want to graduate don't go through that door!

How many different cultures can fit in the same place?

P.S. A lot of them!

Wednesday, July 6, 2022

First days at Yale.

 Only two days were enough to be impressed by this place. Most of my knowledge about Yale daily Life was from internet and a TV series that I've watched so actually I didn't know anything because in my opinion if you haven't really been in a place you can't be acquainted with it. However even now that I came here, I have to admit that I find it difficult to illustrate Yale just by using words. Although there is one word that I keep on thinking when I am walking around the campus and that’s it fairytale. Explaining myself this campus looks like it has escaped from the past and stands among us proudly for that achievement. Many times, I have found myself wishing that walls could talk so they would be able to narrate all wonderful stories of the great people who had been here. However, they can’t and that is the reason we have libraries. In fact on Yale campus I have already seen two of them and I know there are many more and every one of them has its own beauty.
So, I am planning to travel in the past of Yale through the several books that we have access to.

 In addition to this fairytale landscape I’ve also noticed two other interesting facts. The first one is that the human intervension in the nature of this beautiful place has been quite discreet. This is to say that they made sure that nature would be everywhere on the campus as part of it, just like the heart is for humans. The second fact I’ve noticed was that you can really see a variety of architectural styles.Although there is uniformity in the architecture of colleges there are also other buildings that represent different cultures.

 In conclusion, I would like to point out that I feel that I have a long way to go until I can really allege of Yale campus and the life there.


Let's film Harry Potter...

  One of the craziest ideas I had in my life turned out to be one of the best moments in my life. But let's tell you the story from the ...